How to launch your (re)brand with a Bang

I was initially known for my photography through my blog Lei Lady Lei. But when I decided to launch my photography business as a full-time career in early 2020, I knew I had to create a new brand for Lei Lei Clavey Photography. I also had to work out how to introduce my current community (yes that’s you my friend) to it in a natural and organic way. I would be posting different content, my blog may be put on the back burner for a little while as I set up this new baby of mine.

Lei Lei Clavey Melbourne Wedding Photographer

first things first: invest in Brand + Upskill

I brought on the talented designers Hello Hello Studio to create my new brand including logo, brand colours, stationery, and website (read more about that process here)! I worked with Pepperstorm Media to help me refresh my copy for the price guide and website. I also signed up for a copywriting course with Elise Hodge so I could better understand how to write converting copy. As I was also getting into the wedding space after shooting fashion editorial and lifestyle, I decided to invest in education for wedding photographers so I enrolled in Jai Long’s Six-Figure Business Map, Posing and Lighting, and Album Academy courses. You can find out more information about these courses here in this post.

So my branding, new website, and copy were underway but how was I going to tell my community, current and new clients/couples about the new brand? I was so excited about it and knew I needed to make some noise to be seen/heard among the talented sea of photographers out there!

ideas for launch

Now, these were the steps I set out to take. Some I didn’t action but I wanted to post them here for you in case you are launching or relaunching your brand and needed ideas!

  • Firstly, map out a content calendar! Work backward from launch date: 4-6 weeks lead time

  • Choose a launch date - select mid-week when people are less busy compared to weekends. Don’t launch around a holiday when they will be distracted and your launch will be missed

  • Pre-plan promo content - Ideas in include a shot of you + fun facts + new bio, other elements that are on your new website i.e. your approach, services, testimonials, products, etc. Add these to your IG highlights (using new brand colours) in the lead up to your launch. Tip: Clients often visit your Instagram first before the website so have everything on your IG account that one would find in your website menu

  • Email campaigns - send a weekly newsletter and share x 2 launch-related posts each week + blog about it. Tell current followers what is going to happen explaining why you’re making the transition. Offer them an incentive with limited discounts

  • Write down your different channels and types of posts for each. E.g. IG, FB, Pinterest, Linkedin

  • Blog Posts - Write about what you’ve learnt about rebranding, share your knowledge during the process, keep it relatable for your followers, this make a connection with them as it is personal. Write a post on services you offer, new and current ones as well as new never seen before portfolio content if you have any.

  • Post re-launch teasers, coming soon posts, create a countdown landing page!

  • Don’t forget about your current followers! It’s easy to focus solely on acquiring new followers/subscribers but don’t forget about your current community. Blog about your rebrand steps (like this post!)

  • Post images of you working on your brand (include brand colours in images), show previews of the design process, little sketches, or peeks of the website. Your community will love seeing these. If you’re excited about it, they will be too!

  • Organise a giveaway during launch week and announce the winner 2 days after launch

  • Involve friends and like-minded businesses. Get them excited! One way is to send them gift packs introducing your new brand and ask them to share on their socials. You’d be surprised how many would be happy to support you in doing this and receiving a gift is always lovely! The gift could include a custom box with your fine art prints (if a photographer) (for me it might be Paolo Sebastian or Melbourne prints), business card(s) (perhaps a little stack for them to hand out) flowers, mini champagne bottle. Info card with your launch details, how to share, and hashtag. Send this to friends and wedding vendors, 1 week before launch

  • Reach out to blogs and businesses and offer to guest post or share knowledge on a topic you know well in the weeks leading up

  • Organise a launch party: in-person or virtually! Who said you can’t make a massive hype out of it and have a party to end all parties?! You could even create an on-brand cocktail menu for it and invite all of your friends and followers! Idea credit goes to Jai Long. Thank you Jai!!

  • Set goals: don’t forget to set goals for your launch and afterward. You may find that after your launch you won’t know what to do with yourself so set some unrealistic goals to hit (yep, that’s right, the higher you aim for the more you will accomplish!). My goals include: increase website visits by 50%, book sell more fine art prints sold, newsletter sign-ups, and new followers on my socials

TIP: Save your best content for the week of the launch

During Launch week

  • Make the most hype!!

  • Photos of yourself in action (behind the scenes). Don’t be shy, people want to see what you do and who you are

  • Prime your audience, get them ready for the big reveal

  • Get ppl excited, especially your current followers/subscribers by providing value and building trust

  • Launch your giveaway if doing one

  • Create a new free downloadable PDF e.g. Wedding Couples Guide to entice new subscribers

Top tips:

  • Post about launch 2-3 days after the official launch date as some followers may miss the original post.

  • Create a custom hashtag so followers can look back through your activity on your new brand and you can also use this to monitor your success.

  • Use video, these are very effective.

So there you have it. There are some ideas that you might be able to use when launching your own brand. If you have other ideas please comment on them below.

Lei xx

Lei Lei Clavey

Hi, my name is Lei Lei. I am a wedding and editorial photographer.

Branding Tips with hello Hello Studio


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